Your Trusted Accountants for Established Businesses
As an established business, you will have a good track record within your industry, with many years of financial success as well as loyal customers who respect your reputation. It is for this reason that many established businesses will look to growth strategies.
Business Growth Strategies
These can be achieved by expanding or trading globally, expanding locally or launching new products or services. It is advisable to seek professional business and accounting advice before any growth strategies are embarked upon. A chartered certified accountant will provide growth strategies and specific accounting services geared to your specific business. As an established business, a bespoke service would need to be agreed upon. Every business has different needs but a comprehensive package should include the following services.
- Developing business vision and values
- Business growth strategies
- Business valuations
- Business acquisitions, disposals and mergers
- Due diligence on business and other acquisitions
- Leadership, Direction, Mentoring and Coaching
- Employment issues
Expert Accounting Advice
There are other instances where an established business may need the expert advice of an accountant. It is advised to consult an accountant to ensure that you are given the most professional up-to-date advice on issues relating to your specific situation. As an established business, you may discover that you are faced with one or more of these challenges:
- To improve profitability and raise the valuation of your business
- As part of your growth strategy, need to acquire another business
- More Proficient Tax planning
- Implementing an up-to-date cloud-based accounting system and to carry out a business processs review
Succession Planning
If you’re a business owner, you need an exit plan. It’s that simple. Without a strategy in place, your future, assets and legacy are at risk. Is your plan to slowly step away from the business, or is it to sell? Do you know how much it’s worth? This process can be a complex and stressful transition without the right guidance.
What services do we cover under Succession Planning?
- Personal plans for the future and timing of the succession process
- Preserving your personal wealth
- Business growth plans
- The ability of the business to function without you
- Managing the needs of your business and your family
- Retirement planning
- Exit strategies
Citi Accounts are chartered certified accountants with 10 years of expertise. Our team of expert accountants will ensure that your accounting and business needs as an established business will be dealt with on a one-to-one basis creating a bespoke package specifically for your business needs.